

Aquaculture without Frontiers launches redesigned website

New website will promote the work of AwF in training the rural poor in developing countries to grow fish to feed themselves and others

Aquaculture without Frontiers launches redesigned website
Aquaculture without Frontiers (AwF) has launched a completely redesigned website; this fulfills the commitment to raise the profile of AwF and improve fundraising activities that Dr Barry Costa-Pierce and Dr. Mudnakudu Nandeesha, international co-chairs, made at the AwF Board of Directors meeting 26 September 2009 during the World Aquaculture Society conference in Veracruz, Mexico. The AwF Board of Directors hopes visitors will find the new website informative and that it provides a clear and comprehensive view of our work to date.
Using the WordPress blogging platform will enable Directors to post information from anywhere in the world through a web-based interface, eliminating the barriers of distance and time, and the access bottleneck of relying on the webmaster.
The website redesign and development was undertaken by The Aquaculture Communications Group (ACG) , led by Dave Conley and Tor-Eddie Fossbakk, who voluntarily contributed their time and expertise to bring this project to completion. The Board of Directors thanks them for their generous contribution.
“I cannot thank you both enough for your work on this project – it must have taken very many hours and we all owe you an enormous THANK YOU,” said AwF Founder and Director, Michael New. “Looking at the layout and ideas you have inserted is the fulfillment of a kind of dream for me.”
Both international co-chairs, Dr Barry Costa-Pierce and Dr Mudnakudu Nandeesha, plan to use the features of the new website to promote the work of AwF in training the rural poor in developing countries to grow fish to feed themselves and others. “We will use more multimedia communications – photos, slide shows, audio and video clips – to show the world what we are doing and how we are helping to transform the lives of so many people less fortunate than ourselves,” said Dr Costa-Pierce. “This website is a vehicle, a tool, to help us reach out to the global aquaculture community and the interested public to attract the funding we need to carry out our training projects,” said Dr Nandeesha. “I am very excited.”
Visit the website