

Aquafeed session planed for Seafood Summit

SeaWeb and Diversified Communications are seeking proposals for presentations at the next Seafood Summit, to be held 1-3 February 2016, in St Julian’s, Malta. Under the theme of “Advancing Solutions in Sustainable Seafood”, there will be a session on the role of aquaculture feed. The deadline for proposals is July 17, 2015.

SeaWeb and Diversified Communications are seeking proposals for presentations at the next Seafood Summit, to be held 1-3 February 2016, in St Julian’s, Malta. Under the theme of “Advancing Solutions in Sustainable Seafood”, there will be a session on the role of aquaculture feed. The deadline for proposals is July 17, 2015.

The Summit helps to build relationships among stakeholders and to advance discussions and solutions about sustainable seafood and ocean conservation issues.

Proposals are welcome on a wide range of topics focussing on success and innovation in sustainable seafood that will lead us into the future, and the challenges, strategies and emerging issues that will shape the marketplace a decade from now.

Presentation formats that promote audience engagement and interaction are particularly encouraged and preference will be given to proposals that think beyond the traditional panel presentation format and include ways to engage the audience and stimulate outcome-oriented or solution-driven discussions, such as focus groups, lightening talks, Pecha-Kucha and storytelling.