

Aquasoja adds salmonid fry feed to its portfolio

Neogold Plus Salmonids is nutritionally adapted for aquaculture fish that demand higher energy levels in the diet, as is the case of trout species or salmon. 

Aquasoja adds salmonid fry feed to its portfolio

Aquasoja added to its product portfolio a set of diets suitable for salmonids’ fry and juveniles. NEOGOLD PLUS SALMONIDS is a derivation of the previously launched NEOGOLD line but nutritionally adapted for aquaculture fish that demand higher energy levels in the diet, as is the case of trout species or salmon. 

The newly created nutritional solutions are adjusted in terms of digestible protein and digestible energy to the different initial life stages of salmonids, being rich in high-quality marine ingredients and presenting a well-balanced profile of aminoacids, fatty acids and micronutrients. Additionally, all NEOGOLD PLUS SALMONIDS products include a complete set of health- and growth-oriented functional ingredients to:

  • Support the immune system, helping fish fight off endopathogens (parasites and bacteria) and ectoparasites, leading to healthy gut, gills and skin.
  • Enhance liver metabolism and fat digestion, improving the hepatic function and feed digestibility.
  • Enhance palatability and stimulate feed intake.
  • Protect body cells against oxidative stress.

“The holistic approach of NEOGOLD PLUS SALMONIDS results in higher feed intake, improved growth performance and better survival rates, ultimately increasing fish farmer profits,” the company said.

The new feed line is available as crumbles, from 0.2 to 1.2 mm, and as pellets, from 1.5 to 3.0 mm diameter.