

Aquasoja commits to sustainable development

Since 2013, Soja de Portugal group and its commercial aquaculture brand, Aquasoja, is one of the associate members of BCSD Portugal - Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Aquasoja commits to sustainable development

Since 2013, Soja de Portugal group and its commercial aquaculture brand, Aquasoja, is one of the associate members of BCSD Portugal - Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Sustainable development is “the one that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Bruntland Report, 1987). This may have different approaches and common to all of them is the need to ensure a responsible balance between wealth creation, environmental and social impacts, and policies adopted.

BCSD Portugal, the Business Council for Sustainable Development, is a non-profit association profitable, of public utility, representing companies that are actively committed to sustainability. It has a wide sector representation and aggregates companies of different dimensions. The sales volume of the associates is about 38% of GDP, €65 billion in turnover and this group of companies employs more than 270,000 employees.

BCSD Portugal is part of the Global Network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the largest international organization working in the area of ​​sustainable development, with more than 200 member companies in different countries and about 70 independent organizations on five continents that together represent more than 20,000 companies and an international network of partnerships. It brings together companies from all business sectors and major economies, representing a higher combined revenue to $8.5 trillion and 19 million employees.