

Aquasoja develops solutions against coccidiosis

The presence of these protozoa in fish causes dysbiosis and intestinal damage that negatively impacts feed efficiency.


Coccidiosis is a parasitic (protozoal) disease of the intestinal tract of some farmed animals such as poultry and rabbits but also fish. The most frequent coccidian parasites detected in fish belong to genera Goussia and Eimeria. Although this infection occurs in Mediterranean countries, still little is known about it and most of the knowledge comes from the experience of other industries while facing this disease and its severe impacts.

The presence of these protozoa causes dysbiosis and intestinal damage that negatively impacts feed efficiency. Since dysbiosis is the main consequence of coccidiosis, antibiotics have been faced as a solution, but the increasing pressure to abolish these practices leads to the search for alternatives. Alternative prophylactic solutions, as well as changes in management practices (for lower animal density), decrease the rate of parasite replication (always with less success than an antibiotic or chemical coccidiostat), leading to lower disease severity when it sets in and less impact on fish growth performance and survival.

Yeasts (MOS), probiotics or organic acids are seen as valuable prophylactic alternatives capable of modulating the microflora in the intestine, accelerating the proliferation of probiotic bacteria, and decreasing the development of pathogenic bacteria. This modulation of the intestinal microflora (towards more diverse and mature microflora), if worked on or maintained in a timely/prophylactic way, limits the effects of the disease, increases the animal's ability to respond to the parasitic challenge and suppresses the acute phase of the disease. Essential oils appear to maximize these effects. In this regard, Aquasoja developed NEOGOLD, a pre-ongrowing feed, and the supplement ATIVIA for grow-out feeds.

Additionally, since 2014, Aquasoja has displayed a functional supplement aimed at managing specifically the protozoarian risk. Supplement N, 100% of natural origin, is based on steroid saponins which lyse coccidia by causing membrane failures. This nutritional strategy is successfully used in monogastric farming and improves intestinal integrity, decreases morbidity, and lowers the mortality rate. Supplement N action is mechanical, meaning that the doses in the feed and the feeding rate are crucial for the success of this strategy.