

Aquasoja introduces new feed for turbot

The new feed is formulated for a high protein to energy ratio and encompasses a relevant package of functional additives aimed at improving gut and liver integrity.

Aquasoja introduces new feed for turbot

Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a flatfish common on the Atlantic coasts of Europe, and whose optimum water temperature ranges between 14 and 18°C. Its farming is recent, dating from the 1970s, and is commonly performed in land-based tanks or flat-bottomed cages. Europe is responsible for 16% of the world's production, with around 10,000 tons produced per year, mainly concentrated in Spain, France, The Netherlands and Portugal. The commercial size is usually 1.5-2 kg and it is estimated that the European consumption of turbot (mainly fresh) is 15,000 tons per year (EUMOFA, 2018). 

Turbot is a carnivorous fish. In the wild, juveniles feed on mollusks and crustaceans and adults on fish and cephalopods. Recreating the feeding habits in nature to those in intensive farming is crucial for turbot as for any other cultured species. Therefore, Aquasoja’s new feed for turbot, Aquasoja Turbot, is formulated for a high protein to energy ratio, based on the inclusion of exceptional marine protein sources that will address the optimal amino acid profile for this species while turning the feed into a highly palatable product. “In order to maintain the health status of fish and prevent some pathologies, our turbot nutritional solution also includes a relevant package of functional additives aiming at improving gut and liver integrity,” the company said.

Aquasoja Turbot feed is available in floating pellets, which allows for optimum feeding management protocols. “In conclusion, such feed with high DP/DE ratio, very appetent and in the form of floating pellets will ensure turbot’s fast growth, low FCR and reduced environmental impact,” the company concluded.