

ARGENTINA - Special feed for fattening yellowtail kingfish developed

Researchers from the Mariculture and Experimental Biology Program (MARI) of the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) developed a balanced extruded feed from a special formulation for yellowtail kingfish. INIDEP researchers determined a base formula composed of about 50 per cent protein, 14 per cent lipids and 17 per cent carbohydrates. From this formula, and with ingredients available in the local market, two formulas were defined: one is regular based on fishmeal, and the other one with its partial replacement.

Researchers from the Mariculture and Experimental Biology Program (MARI) of the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) attended the National Centre for Aquaculture Development (Cenadad), belonging to the Ministry of Agroindustry of the Nation, to work in the elaboration of balanced extruded feed from a special formulation for the yellowtail kingfish species (Seriola lalandi).

In order to continue the fattening phase of the first juvenile yellowtail kingfish born in captivity in the last months at INIDEP, it was necessary to formulate and produce an appropriate diet for both its physical characteristics (stable extruded feed in water for fattening at high density in recirculation systems), as well as for their nutritional characteristics for the mentioned species (specific requirements of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates).

After conducting a bibliographic survey of commercial products and the scientific publications on nutrition of S. lalandi, INIDEP researchers determined a base formula composed of about 50 per cent protein, 14 per cent lipids and 17 per cent carbohydrates. From this formula, and with ingredients available in the local market, two formulas were defined: one is regular based on fishmeal, and the other one with its partial replacement.

Source: FIS // Original Article