

ASC opens public comment for three new standards

The ASC has just launched the first of two 30-day public comment periods for three new standards - the ASC Flatfish Standard; the ASC Sea Bass, Sea Bream and Meagre Standard; and the ASC Tropical Marine Finfish Standard. Interested parties are invited to view the proposed standards on the ASC website, and to share their expertise and feedback from now until June 30.

The ASC has just launched the first of two 30-day public comment periods for three new standards - the ASC Flatfish Standard; the ASC Sea Bass, Sea Bream and Meagre Standard; and the ASC Tropical Marine Finfish Standard.

Building upon similarities of both farming practices and types of impacts of certain aquaculture systems, the ASC has taken a practical approach to developing these new standards; basing them on the existing multi-stakeholder derived ASC standards content.

Interested parties are invited to view the proposed standards on the ASC website, and to share their expertise and feedback from now until June 30.

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