

Asia Pacific young scientist finalist focuses on shrimp

Bayu Magkurat, Diponegoro University, Indonesia, was chosen from more than 700 as finalist for 2008 Alltech award

Asia Pacific young scientist finalist focuses on shrimp

Bayu Magkurat, Diponegoro University, Indonesia, has been selected from over 700 global entries as one of four regional finalists for the 2008 Alltech Young Scientist Award, for his paper "Review : Prospect of Mannan Oligosaccharide as Food Supplement for Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon)"

Each student who entered the competition was required to submit a scientific paper of 3,000-3,500 words on an issue relating to natural solutions to animal health challenges. The four finalists will be asked to submit a scientific poster and presentation to a panel of judges during Alltech's Symposium and will be competing for a scholarship valued at $5,000 USD.

The competition, currently in its third year, provides a forum for undergraduate students throughout the world to interact with one of the leading players in the animal feed industry while strengthening their research skills. The 2008 program drew 727 entries from over 80 distinguished universities around the world, more than doubling the participation level in 2007. The award will be presented on April 22 as part of Alltech's 24th International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium in Lexington, Kentucky, USA.

"I'm thrilled that there were such a large number of entries for the 2008 Alltech Young Scientist Award," said Dr. Pearse Lyons, president and founder of Alltech. "This competition has grown tremendously in the short time since it was established and I am confident that the best and brightest young minds in animal science from all over the world have taken part in it this year."

The three other finalists for the 2008 Young Scientist Award are:
. North America - Craig Louder, Utah State University, U.S.A., "The Estrogenic Mycotoxin Zearalenone and its Importance in Livestock Production"
. Europe/Africa - Zhelyazko Sabev, Trakia University, Bulgaria, "Strategies of Animal Nutrition - Decreasing the Environmental Emissions and Pollution"
. Latin America - Mateus Silveira Lopes, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil, "Effect of the Addition of Modified Glucomannan in Diets containing Zearalenone on Reproductive and Metabolic Parameters of Sheep"

The presentation of the 2008 Alltech Young Scientist Award will precede a global debate at the Alltech Symposium  featuring Mike Johanns, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA); David Byrne, former EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection; and Osler Desouzart, president of OD Consulting in Brazil, informing delegates of green solutions to consumer safety, energy and environmental concerns based on the perspective of his portion of the world.

Both the award presentation and the debate will be available via a live and on-demand video stream - the Alltech iCast - which can be accessed the day of the event by logging on to

Students interested in participating in the 2009 Alltech Young Scientist Award competition should visit to register, review a list of suggested paper topics and submit their paper.