

AwF issues complete financial summary since its founding date

Michael New, Founder, Aquaculture without Frontiers announced total funds raised by AwF and AwF (UK) reached almost $310,000
June 15, 2010

AwF issues complete financial summary since its founding date

For the first time, the accounts of AwF and AwF (UK) covering the period since their inception in 2003 until the end of May 2010 have been released [see Reports page: AwF Financial Summary 2003-2010. PDF].

During this period AwF and AwF (UK) have received over US$135,000 in donations.

Total expenses have been $7,160 [mainly bank charges, filing fees and fund-raising costs incurred by AwF; fund-raising costs incurred by AwF (UK) do not appear in the accounts because only net income is recorded].

Total project funding utilizing these donations has reached nearly $68,000. In addition, AwF and AwF (UK) have utilised over $174,000 in joint activities with other organisations.

Thus the total funds raised by AwF and AwF (UK) have reached almost $310,000 and the funds already used in our work are approaching $250,000.

At present AwF and AwF (UK) have commitments for further payments to current projects totalling approximately $14,500. Currently (as of 31 May 2010), about $46,000 remains available for new projects.

AwF (UK) has raised 60% of the direct funds received to date, is responsible for 26% of the minimal expenses incurred, and has transferred 83% of the total amount used for our projects. It is expected that the international AwF will raise a greater proportion of funds in the future and therefore be responsible for a larger proportion of project funding.

Comparing our relatively modest income and project expenditure and the wide range of completed and on-going projects that we have supported [see Projects page], I hope you will agree that AwF has achieved a tremendous amount with its limited resources.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many donors that have made our work possible. I am also grateful for the support of all the current and former AwF and AwF (UK) Directors and Trustees, as well as the Foundation Members of AwF, whose dedication and hard work have helped so many poor people in developing countries. If you are as inspired by the work of AwF as I am, I hope that you will find it in your hearts (and budgets!) to support AwF in the future, so that it can expand its activities and geographical range.

Michael New, OBE
Founder, Aquaculture without Frontiers

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