

Bangladesh detects illegally imported MBM for use in fish feed

Bangladesh customs authorities have detected the presence of pork by-products  and harmful substances in meat and bone meal from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Belgium

Bangladesh customs authorities have detected the presence of pork by-products  and harmful substances that pose a  threat to public health  in meat and bone meal (MBM),  which was illegally imported for use as fish and poultry feed. As Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country, the presence of pork by-product in MBM is very sensitive and a serious offence, and all measures have been taken to stop illegal import of theses goods, officials said.

The importation and sale of MBM has been banned in the country since the beginning of this year. In last two and a half months, Audit Investigation and Research (AIR) section of Chittagong Customs House seized 18 consignments originating from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Belgium, totaling 3,112 tons of MBM.
Source: Dhaka Tribune