

Bangladesh imposes temporary ban on tannery waste in feeds

The High Court Division of the Supreme Court imposed a three month ban on the use of toxic tannery wastes to prepare poultry, fish and livestock feeds
July 29, 2010

Bangladesh imposes temporary ban on tannery waste in feeds

The High Court Division of the Supreme Court imposed a three month ban on the use of toxic tannery wastes to prepare poultry, fish and livestock feeds.

A High Court passed the order following a petition filed by Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh (HRPB), a rights-based non-government organization. The order issued asked the government to show within three weeks why effective orders would not be issued to stop the production of poultry, fish and livestock feeds using tannery wastes permanently.

The court also gave some directives to take effective measures against the feed business which has already posed a serious threat to both human and animal health. The major guidelines given by the court include forming a 15-member body to find ways and means to stop tannery wate being used in feed production and submitting a report to the court in three weeks following sampling of eggs, fish and meat from 10 wet markets. [Source:The New Nation)

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