

BC Salmon Farmers Association sets record straight with CNN

Mary Ellen Walling, BC Salmon Farmers' Association corrects nutritionist's advice to stick to wild salmon and to limit salmon consumption to once a week

BC Salmon Farmers Association sets record straight with CNN

Dear Dr. Jampolis,

I am writing in response to your recent comments on the CNN news site regarding the differences between farmed and wild salmon. Your advice to limit salmon consumption to once a week and restricting your choices to wild salmon reflects outdated and incorrect information. Both wild and farmed salmon contain virtually identical nutritional profiles.

To view CNN comments, click here

I am attaching several papers with information that may be helpful. One by Vince Ziccarelli MSc. RD FICN, provides a detailed review of the evidence supportive of the many unique nutrition and health benefits associated with the dietary intake of salmon. Danielle Van Schaick, BASC, RD states that a recent Canadian study indicated that the consumption of two-three servings weekly of farmed salmon, wild salmon, or rainbow trout, would provide a daily averaged DHA intake of at least 300 mg/day during pregnancy, and would not approach the tolerance levels for mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, or dioxins and furans as set by Health Canada, the NRC (U.S.), or the World Health Organization

BC salmon farmers operate under stringent conditions that protect the marine environment. Farms are carefully sited and monitored to reduce any environmental impact. The impact of fish feces and waste feed on the ocean floor is strictly managed and the environmental footprint from a salmon farm is limited to a very small area. All growing sites are assessed during each production cycle and if impacts are present 30 meters from the net pens the site must be left empty or fallow until the ocean floor has returned to normal. Similar to crop rotation in land agriculture the practice of fallowing sites allows the ocean floor to rest and naturally recover.

British Columbia salmon farmers are committed to making both economic and environmentally responsible choices. We encourage you to visit our website for more information:, and if you are ever in the Vancouver Island region, we would also encourage you to contact us and come out on a farm tour –we offer them weekly open to the general public from June to September every year. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this information to you.

Best regards,
Mary Ellen Walling