BC Salmon Farmers Welcome Federal Commitment to Aquaculture
New budget provides $70 million over five years for the continued development of Canada’s sustainable aquaculture industry
BC Salmon Farmers Welcome Federal Commitment to Aquaculture Finance Minister Flaherty unveiled a budget on February 23, 2008 that provides $70 million over five years for the continued development of Canada’s sustainable aquaculture industry. It is expected that this financial commitment will help to strengthen regulatory certainty through greater coordination between federal and provincial-territorial regulatory authorities. In addition, it will improve federal regulatory science by establishing performance-based environmental standards for aquaculture operations, and will support research and innovation to enhance the sector’s competitiveness and productivity. “This is good news for aquaculture, here in BC and across Canada,” said Mary Ellen Walling, Executive Director of the British Columbia Salmon Farmers Association. “The strong leadership and support from Minister Hearn and Fisheries and Oceans staff have made it possible to move forward with planning, investment and research.” Salmon farming in British Columbia continues to be the Provinces largest agricultural export. In 2006, farmed salmon sales generated $450 million in export sales. The industry's contribution to the economies of coastal communities is significant; with an economic output of over $800 million and total employment of over 6,000, according to a recent report from PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP.