

BELGIUM - FEFANA reviews its 2011-2013 activities

The re-authorization of feed additives remained high on FEFANA\'s agenda: the Consortia Working Groups have been working relentless on the follow-up of the submission of dossiers covering more than 1000 feed additives, the EU association of specialty feed ingredients and their mixture said.

FEFANA has publish its Activity Report 2011-2013, in which it provides an overview of the main topics and issues the association has dealt with during these years. 

The re-authorization of feed additives remained high on FEFANA\'s agenda: the Consortia Working Groups have been working relentless on the follow-up of the submission of dossiers covering more than 1000 feed additives, the EU association of specialty feed ingredients and their mixture said. EFSA has undertaken a huge task and thr industry acknowledges that, though FEFANA believes the process needs to be improved in some instances to be more efficient and smooth-going. 


\"FEFANA aims at a strong and balanced EFSA\", FEFANA Secretary General, Didier Jans said. \"Direct experience with the re-authorization of feed additives has put us in a privileged position to work on areas that need improvements, especially in terms of refining risk management and risk assessment options.” 


In a number of cases FEFANA members have worked hard and successfully bridging the EU legislation applicable to feed with the reality of the products: the launch of the Classification Tool, the approval of the first Mycotoxin Inactivator, the application package on Organic Farming, as well as the CLP and labelling principles for feed additives – to mention some key topics - may certainly be seen in this perspective. 


FEFANA continues to be very active in both European and international forums. Through active participation to European platforms FEFANA provided its members’ view to the EU Institutions and other relevant stakeholders. At International level our members have taken a leading role on projects relevant for the European industry of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures, like the Sustainability Project (SFIS) and the Global Regulatory Convergence Project, in partnership with 

the International Feed industry Federation. On the global landscape the role of FAMI-QS – created 10 years ago by our industry for our industry - has certainly grown and it has positioned the European industry and legislative framework on the international market creating a benchmark for others to follow. Thus it is not surprising that FEFANA membership has open its doors to companies with legal entities outside the EU and EFTA countries, which are now entitled to have an associate status. 


Though member companies represent FEFANA’s engine through their participation to Working Groups and Task Forces, the role of the National Platforms remains essential for the proper functioning of the association. They continue to ensure a proper exchange at national level based on what is more pertinent or significant in a specific territory of the EU and make the united voice of our industry heard and understood. 


\"The year 2013 saw the celebrations of FEFANA\'s 50th Anniversary which presented the perfect occasion to reflect about the past, the present and the future of the association. The evolution of FEFANA over time has been influenced by the European Union policy on food and feed safety to which we remain highly committed to contributing to the effective implementation of relevant legislation\". 


FEFANA - the EU association of specialty feed ingredients and their mixtures - is the united voice of the specialty feed ingredients industry in the European Union. With more than 100 Members from 28 countries, the organization represents the interests of the specialty ingredients industry that enter the food chain via feed. 

Manufacturers and traders of feed additives, functional feed ingredients, premixes and other mixtures of specialty ingredients are amongst our member companies.