

Better prices offset fishmeal export drop

Chile exported fishmeal for USD 116 million between January and April 2015, a figure which shows a decrease of 0.5 per cent over the same four-month period of 2014, when USD 116.5 million was obtained.

Chile exported fishmeal for USD 116 million between January and April 2015, a figure which shows a decrease of 0.5 per cent over the same four-month period of 2014, when USD 116.5 million was obtained.

In the first four months 54,550 tonnes of fishmeal were sent abroad, 31.5 per cent less than in the same period last year, when 79,698 tonnes were exported, according to a report issued by InfoTrade for Aqua.

The document also details the average price stood at USD 2.13 per kg compared to USD 1.46 per kg in the first four months of 2014, that is to say, an increase of 45 per cent.

Corpesca was the company that recorded the highest exports: it collected USD 43.7 million for sending 19,777 tonnes abroad, equivalent to 37.6 per cent of total returns.

It was followed by Pesquera Pacific Star, with 13,799 tonnes worth USD 26.4 million; and Pesquera La Portada, with 4,356 tonnes worth USD 8.3 million.
Exports from other companies were:

Camanchaca: USD 8.2 million (3,862 tonnes)
Marfood: USD 6 million (2,481 tonnes)
Pesquera Bahía Caldera: USD 5.9 million (2,422 tonnes)
Blumar: USD 5.8 million (2,374 tonnes)
Southpacific Korp: USD 2.8 million (1,423 tonnes)
Pesquera Bahía Coronel: USD 1.3 million (694 tonnes)
Camanchaca Pesca Sur: USD 1.3 million (543 tonnes)
