

Biomar and Skretting take leading role in seafood transparency

Aquafeed companies Biomar and Skretting have published the full lists of fisheries that they use for sourcing along with data on sustainability.

Aquafeed companies Biomar and Skretting are amoung five of Europe’s leading companies with interests in seafood today that have demonstrated a powerful commitment to corporate transparency by publishing the full lists of fisheries that they use for sourcing along with data on sustainability. The initiative, conducted with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) and known as the ‘Ocean Disclosure Project\', represents a dramatic step forward in corporate reporting and establishes the participants as leaders within their sectors on corporate sustainability.

Biomar and Skretting, along with three leading UK retailers have reported the fisheries from which they bought fish and shellfish in 2014 along with information about the management of each fishery, environmental impacts and the presence of third party certifications and improvement projects.

The profiles represent an unprecedented level of corporate reporting and set a benchmark for other companies to meet. The Ocean Disclosure Project is intended to provide a valuable information resource for responsible investors, seafood consumers and others interested in sustainable seafood and corporate responsibility.

Niels Alstad, Executive Vice-President at Biomar, commented:“Biomar is committed to, and actively supports, transparency and sustainable sourcing and we are delighted to participate in the Ocean Disclosure Project this year.\"

Blake Lee-Harwood, Strategy Director with Sustainable Fisheries Partnership commended the participating companies for demonstrating real leadership in corporate reporting.
“The seafood sector as a whole has poor transparency and this kind of comprehensive reporting shows a very high level of responsibility by these companies along with a real confidence in their business model,“ he said.

He continued: “The five companies that have reported this year have shown that there are no issues with commercial confidentiality in such disclosure and that they have nothing to hide. We sincerely hope that other companies will take note of this important project and report their own seafood procurement in a similar manner.”

View the full profiles and introductory document