

BioMar applies Sustainable Solution Steering to its business

BioMar applies BASF’s Sustainable Solution Steering methodology to its raw material and ingredient supply side. It considers the entire value chain and markets including industry- and region-specific views.

BioMar, a leading supplier of high-performance aquaculture feed for farms around the world, applies BASF’s Sustainable Solution Steering methodology to its raw material and ingredient supply side. This method was developed by BASF to assess and steer its own product portfolio based on defined sustainability criteria. It considers the entire value chain and markets including industry- and region-specific views. The approach reflects economic, ecological and social aspects of the products and solutions in their respective application.

“BioMar strives to be the sustainability leader in the industry and this method supports us with a comprehensive and systematic tool that grants transparency and documentation from raw material to end-product application,” explained Vidar Gundersen, Global Sustainability Director BioMar. Sustainable Solution Steering supports BioMar’s sustainability targets: It helps to foster the use of more sustainable raw materials in feed recipes, thereby promoting more sustainably produced aquaculture and seafood.

Originally developed by BASF for its own use as a chemical company, the methodology was adapted for the aquaculture feed industry by thinkstep, a consulting company. “Thinkstep has been supporting companies in all industries to customize and implement this approach – using a combination of consultancy, sustainability data and software tools,” said Martijn Gipmans, Principal Consultant and chemical sector lead at thinkstep. “Clients value BASF’s Sustainable Solution Steering method because it systematically reveals risks and opportunities along the entire value chain and enables the strategic steering of a product portfolio towards greater sustainability and revenue growth.”

BASF has applied the method to analyze, assess and steer its portfolio since 2012. “Our experience with Sustainable Solution Steering shows that it is a very effective tool to actively improve our portfolio towards solutions which make a larger contribution to sustainability,” said Dirk Voeste, Head of Sustainability Strategy. “The method helps us achieve ambitious sustainability targets which we have set ourselves and supports our customers with unique sustainability solutions.”

The company has published the detailed method to enable customers and other interested parties to apply it to their businesses and to steer their portfolio according to their sustainability targets. The manual including the detailed Sustainable Solution Steering methodology can be found here.