

BioMar extends agreement with Marine Harvest

Feed contract is one of the largest ever signed in the history of fish farming
May 23, 2010

BioMar extends agreement with Marine Harvest
The world’s largest fish farming company, Marine Harvest, has extended its agreement with BioMar and entered into a contract for the delivery of fish feed for several years.
The contract with Marine Harvest comprises delivery of fish feed to Norway, Scotland, Ireland and Chile, where both BioMar and Marine Harvest have large operations. The agreement builds on the benefits accrued over several years close cooperation between the two companies..
Marine Harvest is the world’s largest and leading company within the fish farming industry with manufacturing, processing and consumer sales in more than 70 countries. The company has production facilities in all the most important salmon farming areas.
For BioMar, which is owned by the industrial group Schouw & Co., the contract means delivery of several hundred thousand tons of fish feed over the agreed period. The agreement provides a good foundation for the current expansion and modernization of BioMar’s factory situated in Myre in the northern part of Norway. The expansion, which will result in a twofold capacity increase of the factory, is expected to be finished in the spring of 2011.
The agreement, which secures Marine Harvest stable deliveries of fish feed several years into the future, is one of the largest ever signed in the history of fish farming:
“Furthermore and perhaps just as significantly, we have agreed on a number of principles and areas for a long-term cooperation between the two companies” says CEO for BioMar Torben Svejgård, who emphasizes that long-term customer- and supplier relationships are especially important for the development of cost effective and future oriented feed types.
Both companies prioritize highly the development of knowledge and solutions within the area of sustainable farming, and they apply many resources to this particular area. Consequently, both BioMar and Marine Harvest plan to work closely together to further develop the whole value chain in a more sustainable direction within production and selection of raw materials, feed production, breeding, processing and fish for consumer markets. Both companies have a strategy aiming for the position as market leader when it comes to sustainability.

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