

BioMar introduces new feed for meagre

The new feed belongs to the EFICO range and aims to support farmers in lowering their production costs under challenging market conditions.

BioMar introduces new feed for meagre

BioMar launched a new feed for meagre (Argyrosomus regius), a new product from EFICO range. EFICO 2152 is a specialized solution that allows meagre farmers to lower production costs, increase efficiency, and thereby, control the economic performance of their farm under challenging market conditions. The carefully balanced ratio between digestible protein and digestible energy in EFICO 2152 allows for an optimum balance of a relatively low feed cost and low feed conversion rate. In the formulation of EFICO 2152, BioMar caters to an increased feed and farming efficiency by utilizing a wide range of raw materials in an innovative way.

Previously, BioMar introduced MAXIOTM 2162 for meagre that has become the preferred feed choice for providing robustness and maximizing growth as primary targets, according to the company. Within their product portfolio, BioMar also offers SmartCare INSHAPE, a supplementary feed package developed for meagre that contains functional ingredients and covers special requirements for feeding regimes that provide fish with extra support for robustness and performance.