

Biosecure Shrimp Feeds and On-Farm Feeding Strategies

Dr. Albert G.J. Tacon will discuss biosecure shrimp feeds and feeding strategies at the September 27 Aquafeed Workshop in Guadalajara, Mexico.

His presentation willl review the different feeds commonly used to produce farmed shrimp and discusses their potential risks from a disease perspective, including the use of live hatchery and nursery feeds and the use of live and/or fresh food organisms for broodstock, and dry formulated shrimp feeds for shrimp grow-out operations. The critical role played by feed processing techniques for the pasteurization and destruction of pathogens within shrimp feeds, and the need to for nutritionists to formulate feeds for optimum nutrition and health, and not just for optimum growth will also be discussed. Dr. TAcon, who will also chair the workshop, will also discuss good on-farm feed management practices.

The Aquafeed technical workshop will be in English and Spanish and take place during the 13th International Aquaculture Forum (Foro Internacional de Acuicultura)

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