

Brazil's Federal University of Santa Catarina to lead initiative for the development of database on nutrition of farmed fish

Brazilian researchers will develop a database on nutritional requirements and feed composition, as well as a specific tool for the formulation of aquafeeds

Brazil's Federal University of Santa Catarina to lead initiative for the development of database on nutrition of farmed fish

A collaborative project involving researchers from eight universities and two research institutions, representatives of the feed industry and the Brazilian Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, will develop a database on the nutritional requirements and feed composition, as well as a specific tool for the formulation of aquafeeds.

The NutriAqua project is led by Professor Deborah M. Fracalossi, Department of Aquaculture, Center for Agricultural Sciences (UFSC), and Professor José Eurico P. Cyrino , Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, linked to the University of São Paulo.

The project also provides for the preparation of a publication that will provide information on nutritional requirements, composition tables of commonly used ingredients in diets for fish, and other information about nutrition and diet.

Optimizing the formulation of feed depends on the accurate determination of nutritional requirements for different stages of development, coupled with the knowledge on the use of nutrients in food. This information is generated by research but is generally published in scientific articles and is often difficult to interpret and put into practice by industry. Also, aquaculture  publications that compile nutritional requirements are minimal.

"The National Research Council, United States of America, was responsible for publishing newsletters in 1981 , 1983 and 1993 , where this information was made available in an organized way and in accessible language. Some books also contain data in an organized way but they are outdated and do not include many of the species bred in Brazil, " explained Professor Deborah M. Fracalossi.

According to the supervisor of the Laboratory of Nutrition of Aquatic Organisms, in other areas of animal production such as pigs and poultry, where Brazil stands out as one of the largest exporters of frozen meat chicken, data on the composition and nutritional requirements used in the manufacture of animal feed are published.

Equally as important will be the definition of areas that need to be investigated to fill gaps in the requirements of each species, which will allow better targeting of government investment in research in the area , among other benefits, Professor Fracalossi  said, addding that Brazil falls far short of its potential for fish cultivation . "With favorable climate for aquaculture and water in abundance, both in reservoirs and in the vast coast, we can saythat aquaculture is a "sleeping giant" .

More information on the site of the Platform Nutriaqua ( from September 15) or with Deborah Machado Fracalossi