

CANADA - CFIA seeking comments on proposal "Maximum Nutrient Values in Fish Feeds

A review was conducted by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to determine nutrient levels in fish feeds that may impact the health and safety of the respective animals, humans, and environment. Stakeholders are being provided with an opportunity to comment on all proposals, including the maximum nutrient values being suggested for each species or class of species, before they are incorporated into a regulatory framework.

A review was conducted by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to determine those nutrient levels in fish feeds that may impact the health and safety of the respective animals, humans, and environment.

Stakeholders are being provided with an opportunity to comment on all proposals, including the maximum nutrient values being suggested for each species or class of species, before they are incorporated into a regulatory framework.

To participate, review the proposal "Maximum nutrient values in fish feeds (freshwater and marine)" and contact the CFIA ( with your comments by March 30, 2018.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) wishes to engage with all stakeholders including:

  • suppliers of feed ingredients
  • commercial feed manufacturers
  • feed importers, distributors and retailers
  • producers
  • industry associations
  • other government departments and
  • international trading partners

The CFIA is seeking feedback on the proposal to modify the regulatory requirements related to maximum nutrient content in livestock feed, and has prompted the following key questions for discussion:

  • Do you have any concerns with the proposal to remove the Table 4 nutrient levels from the Feeds Regulations and no longer exempting feeds from registration based on the nutrient content of the feeds?
  • Do you have any concerns with the proposal to establish maximum nutrient values for livestock feeds?
  • Do you have any concerns with the proposed maximum nutrient values outlined in Appendix I for fish feeds?
  • Would the proposed amendments to the Feeds Regulations be effective in protecting human and animal health and the environment?
  • Are there options not mentioned in this proposal that should be explored?
  • Any additional feedback?

The input gathered through this process will be used by the CFIA to prepare a comprehensive regulatory proposal for publication in the Canada Gazette Part I.