

CANADA - Proposed Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Now Online

Comment period open for 60 days

CANADA - Proposed Pacific Aquaculture Regulations Now Online

Over the past several months, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has been developing the proposed Pacific Aquaculture Regulations under the Fisheries Act. 

The proposed federal regulations have taken into account the existing provincial aquaculture regulations, as well as the feedback and written comments received by the department during consultations with First Nations, stakeholders and interested members of the public. 

On July 10, 2010, the proposed Pacific Aquaculture Regulations were pre-published in Part I of the Canada Gazette for a 60-day public comment period.

Following the comment period, the submissions will be reviewed and amendments will be made as necessary.  The proposed regulations will then be submitted for review and approval by the Governor in Council, before being published in final form in the Canada Gazette, Part II, with a view to ensuring that the new federal regulations will be in force prior to December, 2010. Full details and to comment.