

CANADA - Skretting s Canadian feed mills successfully recertified under the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standard

Skretting?s Canadian fish feed mills in Vancouver, British Columbia and St. Andrews, New Brunswick, have been successfully recertified under the Global Aquaculture Alliance, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standard. BAP certification is recognition for Skretting?s strong focus and commitment to sustainability and forms part of their Sustainable Economic Aquafeeds (SEA) program

Skretting’s Canadian fish feed mills in Vancouver, British Columbia and St. Andrews, New Brunswick, have been successfully recertified under the Global Aquaculture Alliance, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standard. BAP certification is recognition for Skretting’s strong focus and commitment to sustainability and forms part of their Sustainable Economic Aquafeeds (SEA) program. 

In North America, BAP is the leading certification scheme for aquaculture companies and Skretting’s Canadian feed mills were the first in North America to be certified under the BAP standard, in the fall of 2012. When a company purchases feed from a BAP certified feed mill it allows them to add an additional star to their BAP rating. Skretting’s BAP feed mill certification enabled their customers, Marine Harvest Canada and Northern Harvest Sea Farms, to be the first 3-star BAP certified salmon producers on the West and East coast of Canada, respectively. 

Best Aquaculture Practices is an international certification program based on achievable, science-based and continuously improved performance standards for the entire aquaculture supply chain - farms, hatcheries, processing plants and feed mills - that assure healthful foods produced through environmentally and socially responsible means. BAP certification is based on independent audits that evaluate compliance with the BAP standards developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance.