

Cargill unveils new plant-based ingredient for shrimp

Motiv™ is a new bioactive protein feed ingredient that offers shrimp farmers a solution to reduce stress and minimize disease impact while increasing their overall growth, vitality and enhanced color.
Cargill unveils new plant-based ingredient for shrimp

Cargill presented Motiv™, a new bioactive protein feed ingredient that offers shrimp farmers a solution to reduce stress and minimize disease impact while increasing their overall growth, vitality and enhanced color.

Motiv™ is a fermented corn protein ingredient solution that creates a healthier gut environment in shrimp. Through the fermentation process, a solution is obtained with components like peptides and bioavailable minerals and organic acids such as lactic acid. These components facilitate a larger micropopulation in the gut, having a better pH for enzyme activity and enabling an increase in nutrient utilization. As a result, shrimp are able to better utilize the nutrients of the whole diet, increasing their energy and accelerating their growth, weight gain and resistance to disease, including early mortality syndrome.

“While this is a nutritive ingredient it’s much more than just protein as people think of it. Sure the protein plays a part but it’s about the form of the protein and the complimenting compounds from fermentation that provide the probiotic effects,” stated Eric Bell, Cargill’s aqua product line lead.

Global shrimp production is expected to increase at a 5.7% CAGR from 2017 to 2020 according to the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s GOAL 2018 survey. With disease management as one of the most significant concerns, shrimp farmers are more vigilant than ever about maintaining optimal health of their stocks. Because Motiv™ is a plant-based ingredient, shrimp farmers are able to increase their output to meet the growing global demand without the depletion of natural resources. “We created Motiv™ to specifically address issues being faced by shrimp farmers and believe this will be a welcome tool to help manage disease while improving growth,” said Bell.

After 5 years of development – the first was discussed 8-9 years ago - and multiple tests in universities and research facilities in the USA and Asia, the company has currently finished its first customer trial in Ecuador with customer trials scheduled to start in Vietnam in November.

Motiv™ was presented at Aqua Expo in Ecuador, a conference focused specifically on sustainable production practices of Ecuadorian shrimp. Dr. Nguyen Duy Hoa, global technical director for Cargill’s branded feed group, also presented key considerations in farm management and health nutrients for heathier shrimp at the conference.