

Cargill's innovation call for ectoparasites treatment

Cargill is seeking a natural, cost-effective, oral delivery treatment as a functional additive in aquafeeds that repels or kills ectoparasites.

Cargill's innovation call for ectoparasites treatment

Natural Products Canada (NPC) is working with Cargill to identify a natural, cost-effective, oral delivery treatment to repel or kill ectoparasites. The solution could be an individual component or a blend of compounds.

Key considerations for evaluating solutions include:

  • Material(s) of natural origin, available in volume, that are sourced using sustainable processes. Please state whether the material is of GMO origin.
  • Thermal stability up to least 180°C. This value could change depending on the point of application with some rapid manufacturing/additives.
  • Minimal impact on any product characteristics (e.g. smell, taste) that may negatively impact feed performance.
  • No negative impact on the target species or the environment.
  • Cost-in-use estimate expressed in $25 per ton of complete feed. It is understood that cost information may not be finalized but data must be available to determine how a cost target can potentially be achieved.
  • Particle size between 100 – 600 microns if in powder form. (Both dry/powder or liquid soluble forms will be considered as both have pros and cons in commercial feed production.)
  • Product and/or its metabolites retained in the grown species must not be deemed as a potentially undesirable substance and must be below maximum residue level if present.
  • Product must be registered or have a path to registration in the leading aquaculture producing countries. Product must be compatible with regulatory bodies of high-producing countries, such as the Chilean Agricultural and Livestock Service.

Given the timeframe for implementing an effective solution, there is strong interest in working with companies that have developed their product/solution at least through in vitro proof of concept. While in vivo proof is desired, it is not required as Cargill has in-house capabilities to conduct controlled parasite challenges in vivo.

Parties with technologies that address the above requirements are invited to submit a non-proprietary overview (no more than 2 pages) of their solution to Shelley King, NPC, by November 15, 2019. Selected solutions will be forwarded to Cargill for review. Parties with solutions of interest will be contacted for an initial meeting.
