

Caviar 'made in Italy' becomes Friend of the Sea

Caviar from world’s largest sturgeon aquaculture farms certified as sustainable

Caviar 'made in Italy' becomes Friend of the Sea

Friend of the Sea announced the certification of Caviale srl’s Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) and Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii). The group is part of the Venatus S.r.l company.

‘Perluga Caviar’ and ‘Caviar Caviale’ are produced in one of the world’s largest sturgeon aquaculture farms set in the heart of the Lombardy region. The caviar has been grown under purely natural, ecologically compatible conditions since 2006.

Great care is taken to ensure that the aquaculture farm exceeds set aquaculture standards whilst a team of fish-farming experts assure constant monitoring of the site. The aquaculture farm production is designed following the principles of sustainable farming practices. All precautions are undertaken to ensure that the farms and their conditions mimic those found in the sturgeons’ native breeding ground. The facilities are lined with a layer of riverstone pebbles, there is an inflow of up to 2,000 litres of fresh water per second from the neighboring river and additional springs guarantee optimum water conditions at all times. Furthermore, the typical seasonal fluctuations in temperature and natural light conditions all ensure that the sturgeon have a gradual and healthy growth.

Mr Dalla Rosa, Caviale’s Farm Manager, said gaining Friend of the Sea’s seal of approval helps demonstrate to customers the great care they take to ensure the sustainable nature of their Caviar.