

CHILE - Suspended restrictions on sardine and anchovy fishery in X Region

The Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture released the toxicological analyzes conducted by the Institute of Public Health (ISP) on biological samples of sardines and anchovies. The results obtained indicate no significant concentration or contamination levels that could affect consumers’ health. Accordingly, the restriction on sardine and anchovy capture and marketing has been lifted.

The Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SUBPESCA) this week released the toxicological analyzes conducted by the Institute of Public Health (ISP) on biological samples of sardines and anchovies collected by the Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP) in the inland sea of Chiloe .

The announcement is part of fisheries commitments made by the Government with artisanal fishermen affected by the red tide phenomenon in Los Lagos Region.

The results obtained indicate no significant concentration or contamination levels that could affect consumers’ health. Accordingly, the restriction on sardine and anchovy capture and marketing has been lifted. It was set last May by the health authority considering the possible presence of diarrheal toxin in the resources of the Tenth Region.

Juan Gutierrez, zonal director of Los Lagos Region, said the results provided by the health authority are a relief to artisanal fishermen affected by the emergency. In this regard, he noted that fishermen will now be able to resume their normal activities destined to marketing the resource for fishmeal production, \"one of the main fishing activities that support the local industry in the Tenth Region\".

Source: FIS / Original Article