

Chilean authorities find substantial illegal fishmeal shipment

Chile\'s National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service has found more than 5,500 metric tonnes of undeclared fishmeal in three holds belonging to the unregistered trading firm Salmon Chile Alimentos SA.

The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (SERNAPESCA) has found 5,602 tonnes of undeclared fishmeal in three holds belonging to the unregistered trading firm Salmon Chile Alimentos SA. The product contained manufacturing labels from Pesquera Bahia Coronel.

Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Raul Sunico spoke out against illegal sardine and anchovy fishing for the production of fishmeal, following the discovery in the districts of Coronel and Cabrero.

\"We will request the toughest sanctions that can be implemented,\" he said.

\"Illegal fishing is not only a serious attack on the sustainability of fisheries resources but also a serious economic harm to companies complying with the rules,\" he added.

Undersecretary Sunico stressed that illegal fishing is a threat that must be fought, since it is one of the main problems affecting the recovery of the species.

The fishmeal, valued at USD 11.1 million, was found after an audit by SERNAPESCA uncovered irregularities in weighing systems at the two companies. It estimated that more than 31,0000 metric tonnes of fish were used to make the seized fishmeal.

\"This is a clear demonstration that the control system is operating with rigour,\" stated Undersecretary Sunico.

Source: Read the full article here.