

Coppens stages management buy out, acquires feedmill

Coppens prepares for future growth, and for possible changes in the EU feed law with investment in new mill

The management of Coppens International bv has announced a buy-out, whereby Coppens Diervoeding bv has withdrawn as a shareholder of Coppens International bv.

Coppens International bv also announced that it has acquired a feed production facility close to the city of Venlo. This acquisition will enable the company to realize  predicted growth expectations for the coming years, and to prepare for possible changes in the EU feed law concerning the use of animal proteins in aquafeeds. During 2012 this production facility will be made suitable as a specialized aquafeed plant. The plant will be expanded and modernized to state-of-the-art technology in order to maintain the highest quality product in the market, and to further improve the logistics service to the customers. Coppens International bv expects that production in the new plant will commence in 2012.  Until the new plant is fully operational, production of Coppens International bv will take place at the current plant in Helmond.