

Denmark ends marine aquaculture development; could others follow suit?

Development of marine aquaculture in Denmark has been dealt a blow by the Danish Government. In an announcement this week, Environment Minister, Lea Wermelin said that to protect the environment, there would be no new marine fish farms or expansion to existing ones.

Denmark ends marine aquaculture development; could others follow suit?

Development of marine aquaculture in Denmark has been dealt a blow by the Danish Government. In an announcement this week, Environment Minister, Lea Wermelin said that to protect the environment, there would be no new marine fish farms or expansion to existing ones.

"Denmark has reached the limit of how many fish can be farmed at sea without risking the environment", she said. "We must be a green pioneer, when it comes to fish farming, and therefore we must focus on sustainable development of the aquaculture sector."

It's a decision that could have knock-on effects in other marine fish aquaculture producing  countries in Europe, who also come under constant pressure from environmental activists.  In Scotland, Green Party Member of the Scottish Parliament, John Finnie has already tabled a Parliamentary Question asking the Scottish Government to consider the move made by the Danish Government.

"Whilst I see a role for salmon fish farming in delivering a quality, locally reared food to our markets, my support is conditional on the highest standards of husbandry and environmental protection being applied. I am keen that the Scottish Government liaises with Danish counterparts to understand the rationale for this significant policy change by the Danish Government which is calling a halt to expansion of the sector and to establish what we can learn from that", he said.