

Dr. Sergio Nates to Head FPRF

Nates moves from Zeigler to The Fats and Proteins Research Foundation
Dr. Sergio Nates to Head FPRF


Dr. Sergio Nates has been named president and director of technical services of the Fats & Proteins Research Foundation, replacing Dr. Gary Pearl, who retired after 12 years of service to the rendering industry.


“Dr. Nates brings to FPRF a wealth of experience in overseeing research programs, as well as providing transfer of new technology to industry applications,” said FPRF Chair Dr. Ross Hamilton, Darling International, in announcing the appointment.


Prior to joining FPRF, Nates was vice president of research and technology at Zeigler Bros., Inc.,the Pennsylvania specialty feed company providing products for aquaculture, exotic bird, reptile and research animal diets.


Nates earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the National University of Costa Rica in

marine biology and aquaculture, respectively, and was awarded a Ph.D. from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.


Dr. Nates’s appointment coincides with FPRF’s move to Alexandria, Virginia, where it will share offices with the National Renderers Association.


“The arrival of FPRF will benefit both organizations, allowing day-to-day sharing of expertise and insights between Dr. Nates and the NRA staff,” said NRA President and CEO Tom Cook.


FPRF will be located at

801 North Fairfax Street, Suite 205, Alexandria, VA 22314


The Fats and Proteins Research Foundation was organized in 1962 to serve rendering and associated industries. FPRF's purpose is to provide an institution to direct and manage research processes resulting in enhanced current use and the development of new uses for rendered animal products, thus providing added value to all animal production.