

ECUADOR - Fishmeal companies using species fit for consumption to be sanctioned

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries reminds the processing sector that pelagic species that are suitable for human consumption, which have not reached their sexual maturity or are in a closed period, can not be used in fishmeal processes and its derivatives by fishing companies engaged in this activity. \"The Measure of Fisheries Regulation and Management seeks to protect populations that experience great impact due to misuse or improper resource capture. It is necessary to respect the regulations, because through them we can promote the food sovereignty of our country,].\"

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries reminds the processing sector that pelagic species that are suitable for human consumption, which have not reached their sexual maturity or are in a closed period, can not be used in fishmeal processes and its derivatives by fishing companies engaged in this activity.

Jorge Villavicencio, Director of Control of Fisheries Resources of the Vice Ministry, stated that Ministerial Agreement 047 prohibits unloading or delivering for processing the species: sardine or pinchagua, carita, hojita, chazo or gallinaza, huayaipe or cherna, redfish or lechuza as well as large pelagic juveniles and demersal specimens.

\"The Measure of Fisheries Regulation and Management seeks to protect populations that experience great impact due to misuse or improper resource capture. It is necessary to respect the regulations, because through them we can promote the food sovereignty of our country,\" he said.

Source: FIS // Original Article