

Emergency steps sought to relieve drought hit EU feed industry

FEFAC, the European feed manufacturers' federation, has gone to the EU Commission to ask it to take emergency measures to
secure feed supplies for the EU livestock industry, which is confronted by severe drought

FEFAC, the European feed manufacturers' federation, has gone to the EU Commission to ask it to take emergency measures  to
secure feed supplies for the EU livestock industry, which is confronted by severe drought

For several months now, the EU livestock industry has been facing a severe drought, which has resulted in serious problems in sourcing feedingstuffs. At the same time, prices of cereals are raising quickly in a highly speculative market. FEFAC has asked the EU to intervene to  control the export of cereals and to release intervention stocks of wheat, barley and rye.

As cereals stocks are located mostly in Northern EU countries, FEFAC has also requested that aid be granted to cover the transport costs of cereals to Southern EU countries that are affected the most by the drought.

FEFAC, the European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, represents 15 national Associations in 14 EU Member States as well as Associations from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Switzerland, Norway and Cyprus with observer/associate member status. The European compound feed industry employs over 85,000 persons on app. 4,000 production sites.