

EU Commission authorizes six GM maize for food and feed use

These six decisions cover the authorization for food and feed uses and import and processing but not for cultivation

EU Commission authorizes six GM maize for food and feed use

The European Commission adopted July 28, 2010, five decisions authorizing GM maize 1507x59122, 59122x1507xNK603, MON88017xMON810, MON89034xNK603 and Bt11xGA21 and one Decision renewing the authorization of Bt11 maize.

These six decisions cover the authorization for food and feed uses and import and processing but not for cultivation. The six GM maize in question received (between February 2009 and September 2009) a positive safety assessment from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and underwent the full authorisation procedure set out in the EU legislation.

As Member States did not succeed to return qualified majority decisions for or against these six authorizations/renewal in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH) of February 2010 and April 2010 and then in the Council meeting of 29 June 2010, the dossiers were sent back to the Commission for decision. The authorizations are valid for 10 years, and any products produced from these GM maize will be subject to the EU's strict labelling and traceability rules. The 6 adoptions of today are the result of a usual and standard procedure concerning the authorisation of GMOs to be used in food and feed and have no link with the recently adopted package on cultivation since they do not cover cultivation.

More information from the EU Commission.