

E.U.- Food, feed leaders reject GM proposal

E.U. food and feed chain partners on April 22 said they reject the European Commissions’ latest proposal which attempts to rationalize E.U. market authorizations of genetically modified crops for feed and food use.

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM — E.U. food and feed chain partners on April 22 said they reject the European Commissions’ latest proposal which attempts to rationalize E.U. market authorizations of genetically modified crops for feed and food use.

Ensuring that current legislation is properly implemented should have been the main priority of the commission instead of trying to change the present market authorization procedure.

Speaking on behalf of E.U. Food and Feed Chain partners, Pekka Pesonen, Copa-Cogeca secretary general, warned the European Commission about the adverse economic and social impact of this proposal.

“It will seriously threaten the Internal Market for food and feed products, causing substantial job losses and lower investment in the agri-food chain in ‘opt-out’ countries. This would cause serious distortions of competition for all E.U. agri-food chain partners,” he said.

[Source: World Grain. Read article]