

EU - Insect protein use in aquafeed likely within 12 months, says industry insider

DG Santé, the European Commission\'s Directorate­General for Health and Food Safety, is currently reviewing legislation to allow insect derived meal to be included in the diets of farmed fish, according to the IPIFF.

DG Santé, the European Commission\'s Directorate­General for Health and Food Safety, is currently reviewing legislation to allow insect derived meal to be included in the diets of farmed fish, according to the IPIFF.

“This is finally happening. We can sense that the required regulatory change needed to enable the use of insect protein in aquaculture production is imminent.

\"I have been cautious before in relation to timelines but from the amount of emails and internal discussions at Commission level, I can see there is real momentum behind efforts to lift the slaughterhouse amendment blocking the use of non­ruminant insect protein in aquaculture. I would now expect the legislation to be in place within 12 months,” said Tarique Arsiwalla, vice president of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF), a consortium of insect ­producing companies from the Netherlands, France, Germany among others.

By Jane Byrne, Feed Navigator. Read the full story.