

EU - Reauthorization of non-ruminant processed animal proteins for fish feed welcomed by industry

EU feed industry acknowledges EU Commission decision as a significant step to increase sustainability and competitiveness of EU aquaculture production
February 13, 2013

FEFAC President Patrick Vanden Avenne welcomed the European Commission decision to adopt and publish the new regulation on the reauthorization of non-ruminant processed animal proteins exclusively for use for fish feeding. He stated that “this measure paves the way for our EU aquaculture producers to step up their efforts to encourage the sustainable development of EU aquaculture by creating a level playing field with seafood imports from third countries”.

“EFSA has provided clear scientific evidence that non-ruminant PAPs produced in accordance with the high EU processing standards are safe. They can help in reducing the EU dependency on fishmeal imports thus contributing to the Common Fisheries Policy reform goals of pairing sustainable wild fisheries with the sustainable development of aquaculture”.

He highlighted that \"the European feed industry is fully committed to support the competitiveness and sustainability of aquaculture production in the EU, as set out in the Commission proposal on the Common Fisheries Policy and supported by the EP Committee on Fisheries in their December 2012 vote on the CFP report of MEP Mrs Ulrike RODUST”. The new measure contributes to global food security, by reducing the EU dependency on seafood imports which account for more than 70% of the current EU consumption\". He noted that PAPs are widely used by aquaculture producers in Asia and North- and South-America, who are exporting farmed fish to the EU.

See related story: EU - FEFAC president applauds plan to reauthorize non-ruminant processed animal proteins for aquafeed (06/19/2012)

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