The use of Europe Soya certified soy protein concentrate (SPC) in Norwegian salmon feed production can cut 41% of CO2-eq emissions compared to Brazilian default. This is the result of a recent research performed by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Austria, Footprint-consult e.U, commissioned by Donau Soja Organisation.
The study calculated the carbon footprint of Europe Soya certified SPC produced by the Sodrugestvo Group, the biggest European soybean processor. Soybeans were produced in Serbia, Croatia and Romania and SPC were produced in Kaliningrad, Russia. The life cycle assessment (LCA) was carried out according to the regular standards along the value chain within defined system boundaries.
Results showed that land use change is the biggest lever to cut down on CO2-eq emissions. Additionally, results showed reduced transport emissions in Europe Soya certified scenario compared to Brazilian sourcing. For the average Norwegian salmon feed, this means that the feed mix with Europe Soya certified SPC has a 41% lower CO2-eq emissions than the feed with Brazilian default SPC.
Brazilian soy is an important source for Norwegian salmon feed and its import is often related to social and environmental concerns such as deforestation and conversion of natural ecosystems, illegal pesticide use and land degradation.
Europe Soya offers a certification system that meets the demand for more sustainable, non-GM, regional and transparent soya supply and contributes to a climate-friendly agri-food system in Europe and strengthens regional farmers. More than 4,700 EU soybean farmers from 71 certified cooperatives produced 300,000 tons of certified soybean in 2020.

A comparison of the CO2-eq emission per 1 kg of Europe Soya certified SPC (excluding and including Land Use Change) versus Brazilian default (economic allocation).