

European Commission consultation on the European bio-based economy

Your input is sought for a public consultation on Bio-based economy for Europe and a complementary consultation on the preparation of a Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe

European Commission consultation on the European bio-based economy

The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation has launched a public consultation entitled "Bio-based economy for Europe: state of play and future potential". Please access it via this link:

The online consultation asks for your informed opinion through 12 questions in three areas:
- potential benefits and risks of fostering a bio-based economy in the future;
- the current achievements and existing obstacles that hinder the functioning of the bio-based economy today;
- future actions that will be necessary.

Your suggestions will help shape a "European Strategy and Action Plan towards a sustainable bio-based economy by 2020" to be adopted at the end of 2011. The bio-based economy aims to create an overarching framework for policies which help to ensure clear focus on Food security and Sustainable management of Bio-resources. Food security, climate change, healthy living and energy efficiency are the specific grand societal challenges addressed by this framework. The consultation closes on 2 May 2011. Its outcomes will be made public through a report.

There is a complementary consultation which is being conducted by the Directorate-General for Environment on the preparation of a "Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe". This consultation asks for general views on resource use, scarcities, current obstacles and major areas of concern; policy areas that could be included in the roadmap; and options for encouraging individual shifts of behaviour.

To participate in this complementary consultation, visit:

All consultations can be found on the Commission’s website Your Voice in Europe is the European Commission’s access point to a wide variety of consultations, discussions and other tools which enable you to play an active role in the European policy-making process