

European project to develop tench aquaculture

A European research project, PROTENCH, has been developed with the aim of introducing the freshwater fish tench (tinca tinca) as a new species for aquaculture.

A European research project, PROTENCH, has been developed with the aim of introducing the freshwater fish tench (tinca tinca) as a new species for aquaculture.

Ten aquaculture Research and Technological Development Centres (RTDs) in England, Norway, Spain, Check Republic, Rumania and Greece are taking part in the CRAFT (Co-operative Research Action for Technology) initiative, which started in January this year and will finish December, 2006. 

CRAFT is an initiative of the European Community (EC), aimed at promoting the involvement of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in its Research & Development programs. It is an integral part of the EC Framework 6 program (2002-2006) which is a comprehensive array of programs whose objectives are to improve radically European Union (EU) industrial competitiveness, efficiency and capability.

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