

Extrusion Applications - Optimal Design and Quality Management of Aquafeed

There are numerous technical design features built into every aquafeed product. These features, such as buoyancy and water stability, must vary by the targeted aquatic species. Thus, understanding how these features are defined and incorporated into each product are critical first steps to both product development and quality management.

Finding and eliminating sources of quality problems in production, depends on a keen understanding of how these design features are affected by formulation, ingredient selection, and the production process. By identifying these interactions, the appropriate measuring and monitoring standards can be developed.

Rob Strathman, President, Famsun-USA Design and Engineering, will focus on four essential aquafeed design features: Buoyancy, Water Stability, Shelf Life, and Prevention of Water Pollution at the Aquafeed Workshop - Mexico, taking place September 27 during the 13th International Aquaculture Forum in Guadalajara.

The aim is to better enable the audience to develop and continually deliver exceptional products.

A graduate of Kansas State University, Rob Strathman gained his BS in Feed Science and Management in 1994. He previously worked for Hill`s Pet Nutrition as Process Development & Innovation Manager for nine years and Wenger Manufacturing as Technical Services Director for 12 years.

The Workshop  is in English and Spanish.  For more information and full agaend visit: - or register directly at: