

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department receives award from Asian Fisheries Society

The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department received the Gold Medal Award from the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) in recognition of its role in the development of aquaculture and fisheries in the Asian-Pacific region and its active support to AFS activities

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department receives award from Asian Fisheries Society

The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department received the Gold Medal Award from the Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) in recognition of its role in the development of aquaculture and fisheries in the Asian-Pacific region and its active support to AFS activities.

The president of the AFS presented FAO with the medal during the Opening Ceremony of the 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum of the AFS, which was hosted by the Shanghai Ocean University in Shanghai, China last April. Dr Matthias Halwart, FAO Senior Aquaculture Officer, accepted the award on behalf of the Department. “It is very rewarding to see the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department’s efforts for the Asia-Pacific Region and beyond recognized with this Gold Medal,” he said. “The triennial forum especially provides an excellent opportunity to liaise with leading aquaculture and fisheries scientists and key commercial stakeholders from all over the world to flag and discuss important issues pertaining to sustainable aquatic resource production and management.”

FAO’s important contributions include the organization of an FAO Special Session on Cage Aquaculture at the AFS Second International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia in Hangzhou, China, in July 2006; an FAO Special Session on Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and an FAO Special Workshop on gender in aquaculture and fisheries research and development, both at this 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum which had the overall theme “Better Science, Better Fish, Better Life”. In addition, FAO Fisheries staff members often provide their expertise as Organizing Committee members or Session Chairs for AFS symposia in subject areas like aquatic biodiversity and aquatic genetic resources, culture-based fisheries, and aquatic animal health.