

Federico Silva elected SONAPESCA president

New statutes will allow for production of algae and non-salmonid aquaculture

The general assembly of the members of the Sociedad Nacional de Pesca (SONAPESCA), Chile's national fishing association, has elected unanimously as president the commercial engineer Federico Silva Pizarro, for a period of two years.
Silva, who is currently also President of the Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organization (IFFO), replaces Roberto Izquierdo Menéndez, who has led this trade association of fishery shipowners, industrialists and shipyards, since 1999.
At the general assembly, the members thanked the successful management of Izquierdo and approved the modification of the statutes which a special commission has worked on over the last months, with the aim of modernizing the trade association.  The reform states the participation of the regional associations and allows possibilities for the expansion of emerging activities in the sector, such as production of algae and aquaculture other than salmon and trout, which are already represented by SalmonChile.
[Sourse: IFFO and SONAPESCA]