

Feed from turkey tail mushrooms offers boost to Taiwan's shrimp industry

Shrimp fed a polysaccharide made from turkey tail mushrooms grown on sorghum distillers’ grain, have stronger immune systems and are 25 percent more active than shrimp raised with conventional feed, researchers in Kinmen County found.

Feed from turkey tail mushrooms offers boost to Taiwan's shrimp industry

Shrimp fed a polysaccharide made from turkey tail mushrooms grown on sorghum distillers’ grain, have stronger immune systems and are 25 percent more active than shrimp raised with conventional feed, researchers in Kinmen County found.

The feed, which was fed to giant tiger prawn (P. monodon) and Japanese glass shrimp, also improved the taste and quality of the shrimp, National Quemoy University professor Lee Hsin-mei told the Taipei Times, adding that the finding could be a boon to Taiwan’s aquaculture industry.

Photo: A szu, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons