

Feed Machinery ISO Meeting

Thirty ISO/TC-293 members from seven countries, including the American Feed Industry Association’s Gary Huddleston and three AFIA Equipment Manufacturing Committee members, met for the second plenary meeting in Winterthur, Switzerland, to discuss feed machinery standards on terminology, safety and hygiene.

Thirty members of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 293 (ISO/TC-293) from seven countries, including the American Feed Industry Association’s Gary Huddleston and three AFIA Equipment Manufacturing Committee members, met for the second plenary meeting in Winterthur, Switzerland, to discuss feed machinery standards on terminology, safety and hygiene. Meeting made significant progress toward reaching an achievable and usable set of standards for this industry sector.

Standardization of single feed machine, processing systems and complete production line includes safety, hygienic requirements, environmental protection and specific technical requirements of feed machinery used in feed processing mills.