

Feed regs included in sweeping FDA reforms

Flood of U.S. food and feed safety Bills headed for hearings

Feed regs included in sweeping FDA reforms


The United States Congress has enacted  the first of what will be at least two bills “reforming” how FDA protects the nation’s animal and human food supply.


The bill contained major provisions directed at enhanced pet food safety and food/feed adulteration reporting that go into effect after FDA writes some required rules. (View the relevant section of this act here. here).


In Title 10 of the new law, Congress directs FDA to issue pet food processing and ingredient standards regulations within two years, and to update standards for the labeling of pet food that include nutritional and ingredient information.


The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) worked with this section’s author, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL).


AFIA advises that this title of the act establishes an Adulterated Food Registry to which firms must report feed, food and pet food adulteration that could cause serious or adverse health consequences or death in humans or animals unless:

  • The adulteration originated with the firm reporting it;
  • The firm detected the adulteration prior to any transfer to another person of such food, feed or pet food AND
  • The firm corrected such adulteration or destroyed the food, feed or pet food.


AFIA was a champion of this language when the bill was being reviewed for passage.

FDA must implement this registry within one year. Records required under this section must be maintained for two years and are subject to FDA inspection.


AFIA said it was meeting with members of Congress and other affected associations to secure refinements to other bills that will clearly describe what is intended in this act or remove unworkable provisions entirely.


Some 10 bills focusing on feed and food safety are headed to hearings this week, including a major FDA authority rewrite that includes mandatory recall authority.


Moreover, Sen. Ted Kennedy announced early this week he also intends to introduce far-reaching food safety legislation as chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which has FDA oversight jurisdiction.