

FEFAC announces 2007 Congress

FEFAC’s XXIV Congress to discuss future of the European livestock sector and demonstrate transformation of the feed industry

FEFAC’s XXIV Congress will be held  from June 13 to 17 2007, at the Fundação Serralves in Portugal.

The Congress in Porto will provide an opportunity for European feed manufacturers to raise the question about the future of the livestock sector in the European Union of 27 Member States and an internal market for nearly 500 Million people.

FEFAC said it would also demonstrate to partners in the chain how the industry has been transformed to become an indispensable partner to farmers and the food and retail sector in providing solutions for the modern consumers lifestyle and healthy eating demands in the XXIst century.

The 1st working session will be devoted to “The new CAP and the WTO negotiations”, the 2nd working session will tackle “The simplification of the feed legislation” and the 3rd session will cover “Risk Perception & Communication: The consumers’ expectations and the industry’s response”.

Prominent speakers such as Mr Jaime Silva, Portuguese Farm Minister and Mrs Catherine Geslain-Laneelle, Director of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), have already confirmed their participation.


Wednesday, 13 June 2007

15.00 hrs FEFAC Council (FEFAC members only)

18.00 hrs Registration at the Fundação Serralves

19.30 hrs Welcome cocktail at the Fundação Serralves

Free evening

Thursday, 14 June 2007

8.30 hrs Registration

9.30 hrs Opening address by Messrs Pedro Correa de Barros, President of IACA, and Prof. Martin Tielen, President of FEFAC

10.00 hrs 1st working session:

The new CAP and the WTO negotiations: The Animal Feed Industry in the XXIst century: between vision and reality

Moderator: Pedro Correa de Barros, President of IACA

Speakers: Jaime Silva, Portuguese Minister for Agriculture n.n., DG AGRI, European Commission *

11.00 hrs Coffee break

11.30 hrs Discussion*: President of ASA (American Soybean Association) Marcos Jank, Sindirações, Brazil; Rita Horta, Director, GPP (Gabinete de Planeamento e Políticas), Portugal; Aurelio Sebastia Aguilar, FEFAC

13.00 hrs Lunch

15.00 hrs 2nd working session:

EU Lisbon Agenda: Better Regulation and industry self-control /

Simplification of the EU labelling feed legislation

Moderator: Martin Tielen, FEFAC

Speakers: Kjell Larsson, FEFAC; Willem Penning, Head of Unit, DG SANCO, European Commission; Roxane Feller, Head of Unit, COPA/COGECA* (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations and Cooperatives in the EU)

16.00 hrs Coffee break

16.30 hrs Discussion: Alexander Döring, FEFAC; Ana Batalha, Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU; Fernando Bernardo, Deputy Director, Veterinary Services of Portugal Animal Health Department, DGV

18.00 hrs Closure

Private FEFAC General Assembly (FEFAC members only)

Free evening

21.00 hrs Dinner of the Presidents of FEFAC’s Member Associations (on


Friday, 15 June 2007

9.00 hrs 3rd working session:

Risk Perception & Communication: The consumers’ expectations and the industry’s response

Moderator: Alexander Döring, FEFAC

Speakers: Expert from a Portuguese company for communication* Catherine Geslain-Laneelle, Director, EFSA; Alberto Araújo de Campos, President of IACA’s General Assembly and Member of the FEFAC Praesidium

10.30 hrs Coffee break + photo session (press)

11.00 hrs Discussion*: Rui Cavaleiro Azevedo, DG SANCO, European Commission; Noelle Vonthron, EUROCOMMERCE ; António Nunes, President of ASAE (Portuguese Safety Agency), Beate Kettlitz, Director, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, CIAA (Food and Drink Industry)

12.30 hrs Closing speech by the FEFAC President elect

13.00 hrs Common lunch and press conference

15.00 hrs Visit of a feed plant

19.30 hrs City sightseeing tour of Porto

21.00 hrs Gala Dinner at the Taylor’s Cave (business dress)


Saturday, 16 June 2007

9.00 – 18.00 hrs Shipping tour on the Douro

Free evening

Sunday, 17 June 2007

End of the Congress, free

* Speakers to be confirmed

FEFAC, the European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, represents 21 national Associations in 20 EU Member States as well as Associations in Switzerland, Turkey and Norway with observer/associate member status.

The European compound feed industry employs over 100,000 persons on app. 4,000 production sites often in rural areas, which offer few employment opportunities. 2. Farm animals in the EU consume an estimated 450 million tonnes of feed a year, of which 145 million tonnes are produced by the compound feed manufacturers. Turnover of the European compound feed industry is estimated at € 35 billion. 3.

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