

FEFAC elects new president

Asbjørn Børsting was elected as FEFAC’s new president for 2020 – 2023.

FEFAC elects new president

The FEFAC’s 65th General Assembly elected Asbjørn Børsting as its new president for the next term 2020 – 2023. Børsting served as CEO of The Agricultural Council & DLG. He is now director of DAKOFO, the Danish Grain and Feed Association and Variety Denmark. He’s also chairman of the Danish Bio-Economy Panel.

“I look forward to representing the interests of European Compound Feed and Premix Manufacturers in these challenging times when the European and global economy are trying to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. I am proud of the resilience shown by our members and value chain partners in providing safe, sustainable and affordable feed to farmers and foodstuffs of animal origin to our consumers,” said Børsting.

“FEFAC welcomes the EU Commission efforts to draw the right lessons of the COVID-19 crisis to safeguard food security by defending the single market and the CAP as key delivery mechanisms for sustainable food systems, enabling us to produce 'more with less', while staying competitive on EU and global markets. I look forward to the launch of the FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter 2030 at the FEFAC Congress on September 24-25, 2020 in Antwerp, co-hosted by our Belgian members. Our charter will contain concrete actions to promote animal nutrition solutions, increasing nutrient efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to feed production (through the use of PEFCR Feed Category Rules & GFLI Database) and help reduce the need for antibiotics at farm level. We will also promote responsible and deforestation-free soy sourcing and new technologies to increase EU production of vegetable proteins,” Børsting stated.

The 65th General Assembly also elected a new FEFAC Board. It now consists of the following members:

  • Asbjørn Børsting, DAKOFO, Denmark, President
  • Pedro Cordero, CESFAC, Spain, Vice-President
  • Anton Einberger, DVT, Germany, Vice-President
  • Zoltan Pulay, HGFA, Hungary, Vice President
  • Jean-Michel Boussit, EUROFAC, France, Treasurer
  • José Romão Braz, IACA, Portugal
  • Marcello Veronesi, ASSALZOO, Italy
  • Ian Hutchinson, IGFA, Ireland
  • Dirk Van Thielen, BFA, Belgium
  • Ruud Tijssens, NEVEDI, The Netherlands
  • Nick Major, AIC, United Kingdom
  • Wojciech Zarzycki, IZBA, Poland
  • Marek Kumprecht, SKK, Czech Republic